Games Like "The Witcher 3": Top Picks for Fantasy RPG Fans

  • Steven Jones
  • Feb 23, 2024
  • 183
Games Like "The Witcher 3": Top Picks for Fantasy RPG Fans

Games Like "The Witcher 3": Top Picks for Fantasy RPG Fans

When talking about epic fantasy role-playing games (RPGs) that have left a mark on the gaming world, "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" often tops the list. With its sprawling open world, deeply interactive storytelling, and complex characters, it's a hard act to follow. However, for fans who've wandered every corner of The Witcher's vast world and are craving more adventures, there's good news. The gaming world is rich with fantasy RPGs that offer similar exhilarating experiences. Whether it's the storytelling, the open-world exploration, or the intricate combat you love, there's likely another game waiting to capture your imagination in the same way. Let's explore some of the top picks for fantasy RPG fans looking for games like "The Witcher 3".

1. "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"

Arguably one of the most expansive and beloved fantasy RPGs of all time, "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" transports players to the Nordic lands of Tamriel. Like "The Witcher 3," Skyrim offers a vast open world filled with ancient dungeons, frosty mountains, and stories in every corner. Players can shape their character from scratch, choosing races from Orcs to Elves and developing their skills based on gameplay. Skyrim's modding community also provides endless opportunities for customization, making each playthrough uniquely tailored to individual preferences. The main quest may beckon, but the side quests and just the sheer temptation to explore every nook and cranny of Skyrim can keep players occupied for hundreds of hours.

2. "Dragon Age: Inquisition"

Dragon Age: Inquisition

BioWare's "Dragon Age: Inquisition" is another gem that fans of "The Witcher 3" might find captivating. Set in the fantastical world of Thedas, gamers are thrust into the middle of a chaotic period marked by civil unrest and a tear in the sky called the Breach, which releases dangerous demons into the world. Players must form and lead the Inquisition to restore order. The game offers deep customization, from your character's appearance and class to the decisions that shape the world around you. BioWare's signature narrative depth ensures that your choices have meaningful impacts, making for a highly personal and engaging story experience.

3. "Horizon Zero Dawn"

Though not a traditional fantasy RPG, "Horizon Zero Dawn" offers a unique blend of post-apocalyptic settings mixed with prehistoric and fantasy elements that should appeal to "The Witcher 3" fans. Players follow the story of Aloy, uncovering her past and the fate of the old world along the way. The game is renowned for its breathtaking open world and engaging combat system that requires strategy and precision. While Horizon Zero Dawn leans more towards action RPG, its captivating story, intricate world, and especially the immersion it offers make it a worthy mention.

4. "Dark Souls III"

Dark Souls III

For players who found themselves entranced by the combat and difficulty of "The Witcher 3," "Dark Souls III" might be the next challenge to undertake. While it is infamous for its punishing difficulty, the reward is in mastering its mechanics and overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The game is set in the Kingdom of Lothric and offers a somber yet beautifully crafted world teeming with secrets and lore to discover. Though it doesn't feature an open world in the same vein as The Witcher, its interconnected worlds are rich with storytelling that rewards exploration and attention to detail.

5. "Assassin's Creed Odyssey"

Ubisoft's foray into Ancient Greece with "Assassin's Creed Odyssey" marks a significant shift towards RPG elements for the series. Like "The Witcher 3," Odyssey offers a vast open world, this time allowing players to explore the Aegean Sea and the tumultuous land of Greece during the Peloponnesian War. Gamers take on the role of Alexios or Kassandra, mercenaries caught in a web of family and divine intrigue. Odyssey emphasizes player choice, both in narrative and combat style, and is saturated with quests, historical insights, and stunning landscapes to explore.

6. "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild"

For Nintendo fans, "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" is an essential experience that evokes some of the best aspects of "The Witcher 3." Offering unparalleled freedom to explore the vast kingdom of Hyrule, the game invites players to tackle challenges at their own pace. Breath of the Wild is praised for its innovative gameplay, puzzle-solving, and emphasis on exploration and discovery. While it diverges from the traditional RPG mechanics by offering a unique take on gear and combat, its captivating world and the stories therein provide a memorable experience that resonates with fans of fantasy RPGs.

7. "Divinity: Original Sin 2"

Divinity: Original Sin 2

For fans of "The Witcher 3" who enjoy deep role-playing and strategy, "Divinity: Original Sin 2" presents a masterpiece of tactical combat and narrative richness. Set in the world of Rivellon, players can either create their character or choose one of the origin stories, which significantly impacts the story's path. The game shines in co-op gameplay, offering a highly interactive world where almost anything is possible, from talking with animals to manipulating the elements. Its turn-based combat requires forethought and strategy, providing a different pace from The Witcher but equally rewarding storytelling and world-building.

8. "Baldur's Gate III"

Although still in early access at the time of writing, "Baldur's Gate III," developed by Larian Studios, the same team behind "Divinity: Original Sin 2," is already shaping up to be a monumental entry into the world of fantasy RPGs. Based on the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition ruleset, it promises a rich narrative and highly tactical combat system. Even in its early stages, the game features deep character customization, cooperative multiplayer, and a reactive world that responds to the player's choices. Fans of "The Witcher 3" looking for a deep, story-driven experience and don’t mind turn-based combat would do well to keep an eye on this title as it approaches full release.


While "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" may have set a high bar for fantasy RPGs, there's a world of adventures waiting for those willing to explore. From the icy peaks of Skyrim to the war-torn lands of Ancient Greece, each game offers a unique take on what makes the genre so compelling. Deep storytelling, immersive worlds, and the thrill of exploration and combat are the core elements that bind these games together. Whether you're looking to lose yourself in another vast open world or dive into a story that shapes itself around your decisions, there's likely a game on this list that's perfect for your next fantasy adventure.

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